Xxx child porn

Columbus, Ohio — A Columbus police officer summoned to a home by a father concerned his year-old daughter was being solicited by an adult man repeatedly asserted that the girl could face charges for sending explicit images of herself. Body camera footage obtained by The Associated Press showed the Sept. The father angrily closed the door after one of the officers told him his daughter could face charges for producing or recording child sexual abuse images despite being a victim. She also said the department reached out to apologize to the father.

Child porn found in Citrus County home, man arrested

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  • The Sun Herald reports Circuit Judge Kathy King Jackson sentenced Michael Angel, 50, to a total of 30 years in prison, with 20 years to be served and 10 years of post-release supervision. District Attorney Tony Lawrence said Thursday that countless children were abused during the creation of the images and videos and Angel participated in that abuse by downloading and viewing them.
  • Child pornography is pornography that exploits children.
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  • WAFB - An year-old has been arrested on child pornography charges, according to an arrest report. Authorities said Terrik Louis Pratt, 18, faces 40 counts of pornography involving juveniles.
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Child sexual exploitation is not a crime we take lightly. Because children whose sexual abuse has been photographed or filmed deserve to be protected and respected. The seriousness of their abuse should not be reduced by words such as "porn".

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